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No Office Hrs Primary&Middle School Music/Fine Art/PE teaching jobs in Luoya

Education/Teaching | Full-time | Luoyang | Posted by:Celine123     May 03 12:15      share    Tel:15172359257     Working City:Luoyang   Hits:

Job Details:

-Work load: no office hours/25 lessons per week/40 mins per lesson/weekends off

-Location: Luopu/Xinan/Xigong/Yibin campus

-Type of school: a bilingual school-primary and high school section

-Vacancy: Music/Fine Art/PE teachers

-Student age: 9-18

-Type of work: full time


Salary & Benefits:

-Salary: negotiable


-Flight allowance: 10K/Y

-Traveling allowance: 2K/Y

-50%-paid summer and winter holidays(3 monthin total)

-Medicine insurance:provided


Applicants required to be

-Excellent English speakers

-Hold a Bachelor degree or above

-2-year related working experience/120hrs TEFL or TESOL certificate

Report Abuse     Jobs Offered ID: 59143

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